Support Our Mission

St. Petersburg’s Waterfront Parks are a “Jewel on Tampa Bay.” They are a legacy that’s been left to us by our forefathers to protect and preserve. Please consider getting involved to help us keep our Waterfront Parks beautiful.
Join the Majeed Match and double your support!
The ongoing generosity of the Majeed Foundation continues to enhance our efforts to preserve, protect and promote the downtown waterfront parks, and now YOU can be part of the Majeed Match: all donations made will be matched dollar-for-dollar by the Majeed Foundation until donations reach $1 million!
Your donations will enable WPF to create an endowment which will fund parkland beautification projects for generations. Please consider participating in the Majeed Match to support the WPF mission. Your contribution is tax deductible under the Code for 501(c)3 corporations.
Please make checks payable to:
Downtown Waterfront Parks Foundation
Mail to:
Downtown Waterfront Parks Foundation
c/o Laura Novotny, DWPF Treasurer
P.O. Box 76176
St. Petersburg, FL 33734

With your help, we can really make a difference in our efforts to preserve, protect and promote our waterfront parks. Below are short descriptions of some of the committees that need volunteers. Please consider joining one or more of them so together we can work with the City to make our waterfront parklands the best they can be!
Have a Fundraiser

Your organization can host a fundraising event to benefit the Waterfront Parks and the Waterfront Parks Foundation’s mission. Contact us at [email protected] to begin the discussion of how we can work together to preserve, protect and promote our waterfront parks.
Tell Your Friends

Creating awareness about our picturesque waterfront parks and the mission of our Foundation is vital to safeguarding these invaluable assets. By reaching out to the community, we aim to instill a sense of pride and responsibility, encouraging active participation in the preservation efforts. Together, let’s amplify our message, advocating for the continued enjoyment and conservation of these beautiful waterfront parks for generations to come.